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Make Your Template Yours

Add Ons, Boosts + Free Installs

ONLY PAY FOR WHAT YOU NEED Include Features Now Or Add As You Grow

You don’t need to have your website all figured out on day one. Our agile workflow allows you to add on, boost and unlock extra features as you grow, in your own time and at your own pace. These Add Ons can be added upfront with your order, during the production process or in the future after your website has launched.

ONLY PAY FOR WHAT YOU NEED Website Expansion Add Ons

Stellar Blog - $198

This full featured WordPress blog engine will help you engage and inspire your readers like a pro. Write your heart out and share your message with the world - with your on-call studio team to post your blogs. Learn More
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Stellar Gallery Portfolio - $198

This designer gallery portfolio gives you the space and flexibility of a professional showcase to influence and impress. Pictures often speak louder than words and our studio team will ensure your galleries shine. Learn More
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Simple Online Payments - $484 + $10 per month

SELF MANAGED* - A fully secure and flexible Add On to start accepting payments online without the overwhelm. Maximum 20 products. Automatically connected to a leading payment gateway. Learn More

*Some things we just can’t do for you, but we will get you started and feeling confident. Everything will be set up for you and you’ll be trained and supported by our team to keep your time productive and your visitors beaming.

On-Page SEO Service - $385

This thorough On-Page SEO service will establish the essential foundations of your website’s SEO. Feel confident that your website is optimised to grow organically in the search results. Learn More

TAILORED TO YOUR NEEDS Paying Attention to The Little Things

We are here to keep the flow moving and smooth out all the technical admin into simple actionable tasks, so your website can launch with a glow.

Website Boosts

We’ve Got You Covered

In addition to all the powerful features of your CORE website, you might need something extra. We are here to run with you, keeping your website in step.

  • 1 Extra Layout Revision – $66.00
    Do you want more than two design revisions before you are ready to launch? Add another round, or rounds, if you need.
  • 1 Extra Standard Page At Setup – $66.00
    Your Core Website includes five pages done for you. If you need more pages to launch your website, order Extra Pages now. Add as many as you need and we will design, layout and add copy for you. 
  • 5 Extra Email Inboxes – $55.00 + $5 per month
    Need more inboxes for your team? Give your team each a unique email on your own domain. Add as many Packs of 5 as you need. Creating a forwarding address is no charge. This is per user inbox. 
  • 20 Page Redirects Existing Website SEO – $154.00
    Preserve your search ranking from your existing website. Our experienced team will ensure best practices are upheld as you migrate to your new website. First 10 are free. Add as many Packs of 20 Pages as you need.

WordPress Approved Plugins

Please note we only install WordPress plugins from our approved list and may incur an activation fee. Please email our studio team to find the most secure and functional solution for you. 

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Free Installs On Demand Extra Love You Can Feel

You may have tracking codes, mailing list hookups, chat bots or even your instagram feed to embed. Yes… we will gladly add these for you for free at startup, or anytime in the future, as part of your monthly studio service.

Free Feature Installs

We Pay It Forward

Your website is unique and we are here to ensure you have everything you need to thrive online. Automation can be one of the biggest gifts to a small business or startup. Here is a list of the apps you might like to consider using for your website, either at launch or as you grow. All these installations can be requested for free by emailing our studio team anytime.

  • Subscribe Feature
    Allow your visitors to easily join your email list.
    Install ConvertKit or a similar email list manager.
  • Booking Calendar
    Accept bookings 24/7 directly into your open appointments.
    Embed a booking engine like Calendly or Acuity Scheduling.
  • Chatbot Assistant
    Give visitors direct access to chat with you in realtime.
    Install Facebook or Whatsapp Business Chat or similar.
  • Measure Website Traffic
    Track your clicks and where your visitors are coming from.
    Install Google Analytics.
  • Third Party Reviews
    Share all the good things your clients have said about your business.
    Integrate Google Reviews or Trust Pilot.
  • Social Integration
    Display your community posts and engagement.
    Embed you Instagram, Pintrest or any other social feed. 
  • Remarketing Cookies
    Advanced digital marketing through off page ads.
    Install tracking pixels for Facebook, TikTok, etc.
  • Location Map
    Give you visitors the information they need when they need it.
    Embed Google Maps to show your business physical location.
  • Your Industry Must Haves
    Offer tools and features to your visitors that are expected in you industry.
    Embed the third party code from your fave service providers
  • And more…

Note: Many of these installs will require you to have paid versions of their service to fully benefit from their power. If you are unsure, check with the company first, then we can integrate the embed code on your website.


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